Port Of Toledo
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This summer, we hosted the Aquatic Activities of the Toledo Summer Youth Program. One thing we did was make 14 paddles and have the kids decorate them with Sharpies and stickers. We hung them from the strongback we store in the rafters. It made a very nice display.
Group photo at the end of the day. Participants were: The Shoemake team: Sasha, Tyler, Keyonna (13,) Shaa (10,) Sequoia. (5,) and Bud The Corcorans: Jared, Sonja, Jasper (14,) Jordan(11,) John and Janie The Sacco team: Andrew (15,) Richard (15,) Christian (16,) Mark and Debbie. And the Ad Hoc team: Gene and Cathy Forsythe, Curt, and Aaron Staff: Andrew
One of the really neat things was watching team members teach each other how to do the different processes. Here Jordan is showing his mom how to tie a stopper knot while his sister rapidly makes another tie.
Three youths in a 12' version - so stable it was impossible to keep them from standing.