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Thank You!

The Port of Toledo Wooden Boat Show Planning Committee is thankful for everyone that came out and participated in this year's Wooden Boat Show.​

The Port of Toledo would like to express our thanks to everyone that made our 2023 Wooden Boat Show  a success. A special “Thank you” to the exhibitors that put their boats on display and for the visitors that came out to admire them.  We also want to thank the vendors displaying their products.  The weekend provided beautiful boats, fun boating and boatbuilding activities, amazing music, good food, and perfect weather.  Thank you to everyone that came out and participated in the Cardboard Boat Races, Poker Paddle, Yaquina Queen rides,  potato cannons, treasure hunt, kids boat building, petting zoo, and dog pageant. It was a great weekend!


This free, family event is supported by many community volunteers that generously contribute their time and talents and the resources of various community groups.  The Port appreciates everyone that assisted in the production of this year’s event.  We would like to invite anyone with an interest in supporting this annual event to join our Wooden Boat Show Planning Committee. For more information contact the Port Office at 541-336-5207.


These volunteers make this festival happen: Music Director Paul Frans Van Den Bogaard, site setup Anthony Buccas, Toledo Community Boathouse volunteers, Oregon Boating Foundation, Toledo Four Square Church, Mike and Merrick Kriz, Terry Dillman, Denny and David Heinen, the Coots, and volunteers from Georgia Pacific; The event also requires additional resources from various community groups, thanks to the City of Toledo, Toledo Active Group, and Toledo Summer Festival for the use of equipment for traffic control, tents, tables and chairs.  Toledo Chamber of Commerce served a delicious pancake breakfast and lunch at the pavilion and our neighbor, Yaquina Pacific Railroad Historical Society, welcomed guests all weekend.  The Port is also very appreciative of the assistance received from the Angell Job Corps, who assisted with site setup, running the event, and cleaning up afterwards.    


Event sponsors are essential to the continued success of this annual event.  Thanks to our  major sponsors Georgia Pacific, Traditional Small Craft Association, Dahl’s Disposal Service, NW Natural, Oregon Coast Bank, FBB Relations, and Englund Marine. We are grateful for the generous support of this family event by these businesses.  Additional sponsorships from Toledo Ace Hardware, Cedar Creek Quarries, and Oregon State Credit Union and the many other small businesses and individuals that sponsored by donating items for the Silent Auction support the production of the show.

Located in Toledo, Oregon, this free, family-friendly, weekend event on August 19-20, 2023 celebrates the historic traditions of wooden boats.  Wooden boats from throughout the northwest are on display ranging from kayaks and canoes to work boats and pleasure craft. Featured events include Family Boat Building, Poker Paddle, Kid’s Toy Boat Building, Cardboard Boat Race, live music, food and vendor booths, as well as informational and historical exhibits and a silent auction to support the show

Hours: Saturday 10-6
Sunday 10-4 
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The festival has remained a free event through support of our generous community sponsors.  Thank you!

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